Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Art Gallery

Last week we went to art gallery and this time it was different it was exhibition about light reflection. For example there was a huge room with one light reflector and mirrors. It was really hard to see in side because light from reflector was everywhere but i liked it anyway. Actually one mirror was missing so the light reflection wasnt infinite.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

There was one man which job was validating tickets.

Validator is making people smiling...

He is popular he meets Bush

He found a woman which he cant make smile

Cant make other people smile because he is upset

Starts  taking pictures of people, getting new job as photographer

During his new job he made old woman smile

He finds out that, old woman is mother of  woman which he couldnt make smile

She was fired because she was taking pictures with smiles and that was restricted

He is trying to find her but cant

Later he will suddenly find her

They fall in love

The End

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

For LINKS check description under the video. ( On my channel )
Youth without Youth

One of the best films I have ever seen is Youth Without Youth. It is fantasy story set during WW2.
It is the story of an old man which was hit by a lightning. Than he was in hospital for 10weeks till his body completely regenerated. When he could walk, speak, eat the doctor took him to his house where they are discovering more about mans life. In Deutschland was another doctor which was fascinated with lightening. He heard about man which was hit by lightning and wanted to find the man. Later man escaped to Switzerland. In Switzerland he met crazy doctor. When woman sacrificed for man he used his special powers to kill doctor. Later he met a woman which looked like his wife when he was truly young but I don't want to give this away you should really look at the film by self. Really gripping story sometimes you will be confused however I thoroughly recommend it. <---- Link for Film. Enjoy !!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is the most common problem in world. Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide.

Is sun causing this troubles?
In the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been going in opposite directions.
So, if it isnt sun then what is causing Global Warming?

Humans cause Global Warming with our unique ability to capture and use energy from stored energy sources. No other animal can start fires or build gasoline engines.

 It looks like there is only one option to change this. If we want to decrease Global Warming, then the amount of carbon released each year by humans must be reduced.

What happens if we will continue and wont stop with producing Co2? The sea levels will rise and whole planet will be flooded.

by: P.Dang
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